How To Say Mosquito In 40 Languages

How To Say Mosquito In 40 Languages

English: mosquito Spanish: mosquito French: moustique German: Mücke Italian: zanzara Portuguese: mosquito Dutch: mug Swedish: mygga Norwegian: mygg Danish: myg Finnish: hyttynen Russian: комар (komar) Polish: komar Czech: komár Slovak: komár Hungarian: szúnyog Romanian: ţânţar...
Only Female Mosquitoes Bite

Only Female Mosquitoes Bite

Mosquitoes mean nothing personal when they take your blood. Female mosquitoes need protein for their eggs, and must take a blood meal in order to reproduce. Since males don't bear the burden of producing young,...
Mosquitoes also live in big cities

Mosquitoes also live in big cities

Besides the fact that mosquitoes are annoying, they can also carry several serious illnesses like Dengue, Zika or Chikungunya. Mosquitoes can be found worldwide and despite we may associate their bites with outside activities like...
Some facts about dengue

Some facts about dengue

Dengue is a viral disease carried by two kinds of mosquito, the Aedes aegypti and the Aedes albopictus. [1] The disease comes from four types of viruses (DENV1, DENV2, DENV3 and DENV4). [2] There are...
Meet the mosquitoes

Meet the mosquitoes

Are mosquitoes all the same? 3546 species can be found across the globe so the answer is obviously no. The female mosquitoes are the only one to bother us during these warmer days but did...


要了解帕洛驅蚊™驅蚊劑如何發揮功效,我們必須首先了解蚊子如何尋找目標。因為雌性蚊子需要人們的蛋白質產卵,所以只有雌性蚊子會叮人。雌性蚊子對我們呼出的高濃度二氧化碳很敏感。 雌性蚊子可以從我們的呼吸和身體的氣味,由30米遠處發現我們。 蚊子可以從大約5米到10米距離看到我們。 亦會被深色和鮮豔的色彩所吸引。 在距我們一米內的地方,蚊子能感受到溫度差異,並接近在血管裡跳動的血液位置。
Some facts about chikungunya virus

Some facts about chikungunya virus

Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease that cause fever and joint pain. [1] The disease is only transmitted through mosquito bites, due to the Aedes albopictus, an aggressive specie of mosquito that can bear several diseases. Discovered...
What Is The Deadliest Insect On Earth?

What Is The Deadliest Insect On Earth?

Though the vast majority of insects do us no harm, and, in fact, make our lives better, a few insects exist that can kill us. What is the deadliest insect on Earth? Killer bees? African ants?...
Mosquitoes Can Detect Carbon Dioxide From 30 meters Away

Mosquitoes Can Detect Carbon Dioxide From 30 meters Away

Carbon dioxide, which humans and other animals produce, is the key signal to mosquitoes that a potential blood meal is near. Mosquitoes have developed a keen sensitivity to CO2 in the air. Once a female senses CO2...